Winners: CARE Fund
Special Projects Grant Program

CARE is proud to direct resources
from the CARE Fund to
the award winners of the Special Projects Grant
Program. Our aim is to help improve service delivery at
the colleges! View winning proposals and their outcomes below.

2024-2025 Award Winners

Awards totaled $3,316. Winning proposals are listed by submitting

2019-2020 Award Winners

Awards totaled $2,557. Winning proposals are listed by submitting college:

2018-2019 Award Winners

Awards totaled $2,498. Winning proposals are listed by submitting college:

2017-2018 Award Winners

Awards totaled $2,624. Winning proposals are listed by submitting college:

2016-2017 Award Winners

Awards totaled $2,775. Winning proposals are listed by submitting college:

2015-2016 Award Winners

Awards totaled $3,045. Winning proposals are listed by submitting college:

2014-2015 Award Winners

Awards totaled $3,929:

2013-2014 Award Winners

Awards were $1,500 per college. Winning proposals are listed by submitting college:

2012-2013 Award Winners

Awards were increased in our second year of
operation. Winning proposals are listed by submitting college:

2011-2012 Award Winners

We received 30 proposals in our first year of operation, and were
able to fund four: