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CARE Fund Grants

       Past Winners




CARE Fund Special Projects Grant Program

The CARE Fund is the source of CARE's charitable activities and is designed to provide an extra measure of support to education in the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District.

Using CARE Fund resources, CARE has implemented a small grant program intended to stimulate and support special projects that improve service to the colleges.  We want to help you do a better job of serving our students, staff, and institutions!

Get a better sense of the successful proposals and outcomes by reviewing this 2019 report highlighting 24 selected winners.

 View the full list of 63 past winners.


2024-2025 Grants Program and Guidelines

Please read these program guidelines carefully before completing your proposal:  

Eligibility: Applicants must be board-appointed employees of the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District; proposals from students, retirees, contractors, or others will not be considered.  All areas of service are eligible, and any category of employee may apply: faculty, classified, administration, full-time, or part-time, college or district office. 

Award Limits: The maximum grant award is $999, but requests for the maximum rarely win.  We strongly encourage smaller proposals; past experience shows that these have a better chance of being funded. 

Evaluation Criterion: Applications will be judged by this standard:
How will the project improve service to the colleges in your area of work responsibility? 

Winning: Your one-page grant application should be specific about the expected outcomes, the budget items, and the way your project will improve service.

Funding Guidelines: Like most grants, the CARE grants have a few limitations:

  • Grants are for supplies, capital purchases (e.g. equipment or software), or rarely, for expert professional services.

  • Grants may be used for start-up costs or pilot projects, but not for ongoing operational costs. (If you propose a new project that will be ongoing, describe how funding will be managed in subsequent years.)

  • Grants may not be used for any of the following purposes:

    • to pay gifts or payments to CLPCCD employees or students.

    • to pay for services that are part of an employee's existing responsibilities.

    • to pay for expenditures that are otherwise addressed in the college budget, such as conferences, routine supplies for office or classroom, etc.

    • for meals or refreshments.

Expenditures: Grant funds, once awarded, may only be used as proposed in the approved application and budget. 

Ownership: Grant proceeds will be payable to the College/District.  Purchased items will be the property of the College/District.

Report: Please note that CARE will require a one-paragraph outcome report including a photograph or video at the completion of the project.  We want to share your work with the college community!  The report will be due May 16, 2025, unless the project has a later scheduled completion date.

Examples: Previous winning proposals can provide a sense of how to win.

Frequent Questions: These Questions & Answers may help guide your application and project.

Application Instructions

Please complete the one-page fill-in Application form

(You can type your responses into the blanks on this form.)

Print the completed form, obtain the required signatures, and mail it as directed.

Deadline: applications must be received by November 12, 2024.
Awards will be announced December 2, 2024.


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