One of CARE's purposes is to serve the social
interests of members by providing opportunities to keep in touch with
each other. To support this function, we provide this E-mail
member directory which you are invited to join .
Looking for someone? Note that participation in the directory is
voluntary, and the list is building as more members elect to join this
new service. Please check back frequently for additions, and if you
haven't joined, please consider doing so!
Learn how it works ,
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protected and how to join >
Directory Listing (alphabetic by last name)
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address at the lower left of your
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Jim Adams
Dan Alex
Clyde Allen
Kathleen Allen
Rachel Maldonado Aziminia
Beverly Bailey
Sandra Ball
Linda Barde-Zimmerling
Glenn Bass
Carol Baumann
Larry Beal
Joe Berland
Lola Bermudez (Rohrs)
Connie Bish
Dale Boercker
Daniel Bokuvka
Diana Bond
Janet Brehe-Johnson
Robert Breuer
Juliette Bryson
Debbie Buti
Sharon Cadwalader
Lettie Camp
Janice Cantua
Don Cappa
Rita Carson
Peggy Carter
JoAnn Cerefice
Georgie Chivington
Wiana Choy
Donald Christiansen
Shanon Christiansen
Jane Church
Kay Collin
Robert Collins
Dianne Colon
Gay Connor
Gregory Correa
Phoebe Cortessis
Theresa Costa
Gary Craig
Bob Curry
Edna Danaher
Sharron Daniels
Arlene DeLeon
Mary Dermody
Jeri Desmond
Elaine Dias
Laurie Dockter
Ann Duncan
Bill Dunn
Carol Edson
Jerry Egusa
Ruth Feldman
Delvis Fernandez
Jaime Flores
Juanita Focha
James Forcier
Tency Franco
Gerald Friedel
Felix Galaviz
Dave Garnhart
Joseph Gentiluomo
Tom Gerrits
Mireille Giovanola
Charlie Goetschel
Carol Golden
Rita Goldhor
Ken Grace
Carolyn Greene
Alene Hamilton
Judy Hanson
Mary Hargiss
Miyo Harvey
Karen Hashimoto
Jim Healey
Cindy Hicks
Valerie Hicks
Scott Hildreth
Lee Hinckley
Theresa Hirstein
Frederick Hodgson
Adrienne Hodsdon
Alice Hsu
Thomas Hugel
Gayle Hunt
Robert Hunter
Diana Immisch
Tina Inzerilla
Sarah Jahnke
Harry Jennings
Veronica Jennings
Keith Jolly
Kathleen Kaser
Ted Kaye
Sharon Keick
Cecelia Kennerly
Norma Kernes
Mary Khlat-George
Lynn Klein
Marcia Kolb
John Komisar
Martha Konrad
Art Larson
Barbara Lawrence
Theresa Lebeiko
Lorenzo Legaspi
Daniel Leonardi
Beverly Levine
Alison Lewis
Ron Liljedahl
Charlotte Lofft
Lorraine Lucivero
Lois Machado
Rose Malakaua
Rachel Maldonado Aziminia
Marge Maloney
Marilyn Mansouria
Arylene Marsh
Melinda Matsuda
Susan May
Kari McAllister
Carmen McCauley
Mary McClendon
Jane McCoy
Christine McDaniel
Bill McDonald
Nan McDonnell
Patricia McGrath
John McHugh
Gloria Meads
Kathy Medina
Donald Milanese
Mary Mino
Naoma Mize
Victoria Morrow
Charles Natson
Peyton Nattinger
Steve Navarro
Kay Nicholson
Roger Noyes
Linda Olivenbaum
Guadalupe Ortiz
Talahiva (Dolly) Pahulu
Zack Papachristos
Orlando Pascoa
Steve Patchin
Theresa Patchin
Gordon Peak
Linda Peifer
Colin Pejman
Shirley Pejman
David Perry
Martha Peterson
Karen Pihl
Joe Pimental
Donald Plondke
Pat Pohl
Julie Polizzi
Isabel Polvorosa
Judy Porta
Catherine Powell
Roberta Pratt
Linda Pyzer
Sophie Rheinheimer
Mary Rivera
Faye Roberts
Gene Rockemann
Margaret Roddan
Danita Romero
Cynthia Ross
Jane Roush
Ali Saleh
Baudelia Sanchez
Donald Saugar
Barry Schrader
Andi Schreibman
Ruthie Self
John Shaw
Steve Silva
Steve Siroy
Billy Smith
Mark Smythe
Richard & Desre Solomon
Heidi Spearer
Lucy Sponsler
Rosalie Stempin
Sally Stickney
Mary Straight
Eric Stricklen
Cynthia Stubblebine
Dave Suhr
Connie Telles
Art Tenbrink
Bill Threlfall
Katherine Tollefsen
Sharon Trethan
Christine Tripod
Larry Toy
Mary Twomey
Jane Vallely
Shelia Van
Yvonne Vanni
Gilberto Victoria
Ella Vilche
Kip Waldo
Gordon Watt
Mark Wayne
Lisa Weaver
Lani Wilson
Bob Wiseman
Bob Wood
Judy Young
Isabel Yow
Linda Zuidema
Linda Zweifel