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CARE Fund Grants

       Past Winners





Questions & Answers:   CARE Fund Special Projects Grant Program

I applied last year but didn't win an award.  Why not?

Usually, the answer is simply competition. In most years, the proposals submitted seek far more funds than are available, so only some of the proposals will be funded.  If yours did not receive an award, then other proposals were judged to better meet the key evaluation criterion: 
  "How will the project improve service to the colleges in your area of work responsibility?

Also, winning proposals typically are clear, include an understandable budget, yield lasting benefits, and specify concrete expected outcomes.  Rarely, a proposal is rejected because it is incomplete or doesn’t meet the program's published guidelines.

Finally, experience shows that requests for smaller grants have a far better chance of being funded; requests for the maximum rarely win.

One way to get a sense of how to win is to examine previous winning proposals.

If I win, how do I get the money?  

You don't.  Grant proceeds will be paid to the College or District.  Grant proceeds typically are delivered to the College President's Office within one week of the award announcement.

If I win, how do I buy the items in my budget?

Unless directed otherwise by your College President's Office, you will work with your supervisor or manager to submit requisitions for the items specified in your budget.  You will follow the normal CLPCCD purchasing process.  Purchased items will be the property of the College/District.

What if I wish to buy something other than the items budgeted in my proposal?

The grant funds must be used for the purpose originally specified in your proposal. Minor purchase substitutions can be handled in the normal CLPCCD purchasing process.  But major changes that would alter the way your project works would require prior written approval from CARE and your College Business Office.

You've asked for an outcome report. How elaborate need it be?

A paragraph or two and a few digital photos or videos of the outcome are all that is needed. 

We want to show the value of your project and help inspire others to apply! 

For examples, check the outcome reports from previous winners.

How do I contact CARE about the grants program?  

Send e-mail to



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