Chabot-Las Positas Association of
Retired Employees
Board Meeting
June 17, 2010
San Ramon Country Club
1. Members present: Dick Albert, Linda Barde, Helen Bridge,
Lettie Camp, Gay Conner, Norma Kernes, Don Nilson, JoAnne Neu,
Isabel Polvorosa, Sophie Rheinheimer, Heidi Spearer, Bill Threlfall,
Sharon Trethan
Absent: Clyde Allen, Esther Goldberg, Art Larson (E), John McKinley
(E), Chet Rhoan
2. Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by President
3. Approval of minutes: The minutes of March 12, 2010 were
A. Newsletter: Heidi stated July 15 would be the date to
receive information for the newsletter to be published the end of
July. At this time she did not request any further assistance with
the newsletter. Joanne is working on her bio.
B. Webmaster: Bill passed out updated web usage information
and stated the new system is working well.
C. Treasurer: Sharon shared
her Treasurer's report. She also asked for a consensus to move
outstanding checks to our donation account. This amount was about
$88 from lunches purchased but not used at the annual meeting in
D. CARE Fund: no report
E. Activities: Gay reported that the tour of Chabot College
was wonderful and informative and appreciated by approximately 70
attendees. Slides of the current changes taking within the District
will also be included in the slide show for viewing at the reunion,
set for January 22, 2011. The Board also agreed to leave specific
entertainment recommendations to Gay. There continues to be more
interest in seeing old friends and reminiscing over the wonderful
slide show created by Don. Better use of the microphone was
suggested along with fewer but better quality raffle gifts.
F. Chabot Liaison: Norma
also agreed that the tour of Chabot was great and appreciated the
project manager’s expertise and the arrangements made by Karen
Silva. Helen stated she would write a letter of appreciation. There
is a possibility of a fall tour when additional buildings come to
Norma also shared Chabot’s summer and fall schedules.
G. Las Positas Liaison: Sophie shared information in regards
to the changes in personnel at LPC and the opening of the Center for
the Arts. She will look into a tour at LPC. H:
District Liaison: Sharon shared the ever increasing cost of
health care to our District. She also shared the newly printed CARE
brochure which is mailed to new retirees.
I. Directors at Large:
Isobel: shared that the IT department was now located at LPC.
Joanne: no report
Dick: shared information about his family and recent death of Janice
Albert, a faculty member at both Chabot and Las Positas.
Don: will continue to work on the slide show to continually update
it, since it was so well received at the past reunion. His wife
Janet is doing better.
J. Past President: no report
K: Trips: Linda passed around tours by American Stage and
continues to work with the Electrician’s Union to offer possible day
trips to our members. Trips, when arranged, will be shared on the
website and through the newsletter.
L: Other discussion items: Art previously recommended this
change to the Constitution to recognize any non-retiree who is
supportive/helpful to the CARE Board:
CONSTITUTION: As provided by
the By laws, the Board, at its discretion, may grant the
honorary title “C.A.R.E. ASSOCIATE" (**) to an individual for
meritorious support and contributions to the Association.
BYLAWS: When an individual, who is not a member of C.A.R.E.,
provides meritorious support and contributions to the
Association, the Board, at its discretion, may grant to that
person the honorary title “C.A.R.E. ASSOCIATE ". (**) An
Associate (1) need not to be retired, (2) may
or may not be an employee of the District or of a College, (3)
may attend C.A.R.E. meetings and activities but without voting
ASSOCIATE; (1) a person with whom one is associated, a friend, a
partner, a fellow worker.
(2) a member with less than full status.
COMRADE: (1) a person who shares interests and activities in
common with others.
FRIEND: (1) a person who is a supporter or sympathizer. FRIEND
OF THE COURT: (1) a person in an influential position who is
friendly toward and able to help out.
The motion to accept this change to
the Constitution using the definition CARE Associate was approved.
The motion to accept this change pending ratification of the
membership, at the annual meeting, was also approved.
M. Changes/Update Duties for CARE Directors: President Bridge
and Bill recommended updates to the Directors' duties:
Treasurer: updated to included
providing current membership roster, continual monitoring of
dues/expenses and the ability to connect with current staff
members at both Colleges and the District.
Communications Director: responsible for electronic
communication: web, social network, and budget/expense of new
equipment and programs.
Participation of Board Members: This is a working Board and all
members are expected to be active and consistent in their
assigned duties.
A motion to accept these changes
was approved.
N. Presidents Report:
History Project: President Bridge stated that she hoped to
generate more interest in the History Project. She told board
members to think about writing a new entry. Writers needn’t worry
about style, length, subject, or anything else which might prevent
them from sharing their memories and their perspective. She reminded
members to include their name and where and when they worked. A
contribution might be about a specific memory of a time or event; or
personal knowledge and/or perspective about a particular element of
college life.
Special Project Grant: In the past, money from the CARE Fund
has been give to one of the Colleges for a special project. The
Board has never heard how that money was received or used, so a
change was recommended. A very short form sent out to the Colleges,
to request these funds for a specific need, would be created. This
was thought to be a good idea as it would let employees know that
they were supported by CARE. More details to follow.
5. Next Meeting – Friday,
September 24, 2010
6. Adjournment: The meeting was
adjourned at 1:00
Respectfully submitted,
Lettie Camp, Secretary