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President's Welcome



Board Meetings

Board of Directors

Directors Duties bullet



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Directors' and Officers' Duties

1. President
The President is responsible for the over-all leadership of C.A.R.E and its activities. This responsibility shall be shared by delegation of responsibility to the other officers and directors as provided in the By-Laws. The President shall preside over the meetings of the Board and the organization. The President shall be the official representative of C.A.R.E.

2. Vice President
The Vice President shall assume the responsibilities of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President and shall assume such other duties as assigned by the President.

3. Secretary-Historian
The Secretary-Historian shall be responsible for taking notes and preparing minutes for all meetings of the Board and for the Annual Membership Meeting. The Secretary-Historian shall conduct the official correspondence of the organization. The Secretary-Historian shall be responsible for the preservation of the Minutes of the C.A.R.E. Board Meetings, the Annual Membership Meetings, and the Annual Financial reports of the Treasurer and of the C.A.R.E. Fund Manager, and rosters of the Officers and Directors. Copies of information concerning actions of the Chabot-Las Positas Community College Board of Trustees which affect retirees shall be maintained. The Historical Records shall be maintained for easy reference.

4. Treasurer
The Treasurer is responsible for the deposits and expenditures of all funds of the organization and for keeping accurate financial records The Treasurer shall present interim financial reports at each Board Meeting and an annual report at the Annual Membership Meeting at each meeting of the Board.  The Treasurer shall establish and maintain a roster of CARE members, with records of mailing addresses and dues contributions and shall work with Chabot-Las Positas CCD staff to obtain information identifying new CARE members.

5. Immediate Past President
The Past President shall serve as an advisor to the President and the other Members of the Board.

6. C.A.R.E. Fund Manager
The C.A.R.E. Manager shall assume overall responsibility for the C.A.R.E. Fund. This shall include fund raising, accounting and disbursal. The Fund Manager shall provide an accounting of all activities of the Fund at each meeting of the Board and an annual report at the Annual Membership Meeting.

7. Newsletter Editor
The Newsletter Editor shall be responsible for the publication of the C.A.R.E. Newsletter at least three times each year. The Editor shall be responsible for composing the newsletter, preparing the photo-ready copy and the labels for mailing. This responsibility includes leading the members of the Board to serve as reporters in seeking information of interest to retirees. This can include reports of developments and activities within each of the colleges and the District. It should include stories of interest about members of C.A.R.E.

8. Assistant Newsletter Editor
The Assistant Newsletter Editor shall assist the Editor in the publication of the Newsletters. The Assistant Editor will be responsible for the printing, addressing, and mailing the Newsletter to the membership.

9. Retirement Consultant Director
The Retirement Consultant Director shall keep the membership informed of relevant development in STRS, PERS, and the Social Security Old Age and Survivors Insurance Act. This shall be done through articles in the C.A.R.E. newsletter and in periodic reports to the C.A.R.E. Board of Directors. The Director shall also respond to questions raised by individual members, and make recommendations on retirement issues, if requested.

10. Health Benefits Director
The Health Benefits Director is a conduit for information between C.A.R.E. and the District in matters pertaining to the health care programs for retirees .. The Health Care Director will establish and maintain a working relationship with the District Benefits Office to keep current with the issues that may have an impact on retiree health care. The Health Care director will also monitor and report on the changes in the National MediCare and the State MediCal Programs that may affect the care of C.A.R.E. members. This position is one of information gathering and sharing and not one of representing nor of negotiating. The Health Director shall notify the President of any matters that may require immediate attention by C.A.R.E.

11. Activities Director
The Activities Director shall be responsible for planning and coordinating C.A.R.E. activities during the year. This includes leadership in planning, coordinating and presenting the Annual Reunion each January. The Activities Director shall make the physical arrangements for each meeting of the Board. Officers and Directors of the Board will assist the Activities Director as requested.

12. District Liaison Director
The District Liaison shall be responsible for keeping a close relationship of C.A.R.E. with the District. The District Liaison shall receive and monitor the District Board agendas and Minutes and keep the President informed of any matters applicable to C.A.R.E. The District Liaison shall represent C.A.R.E. by attending District Board Meetings when there are related matters on the agenda, and for keeping the Board informed of various C.A.R.E. activities. The Liaison may represent C.A.R.E. at District Activities such as retiree recognition ceremonies. The District Liaison may ask for the assistance and participation of other officers and Directors of the Board. The District Liaison Director shall notify the President of any matters that may require immediate attention by C.A.R.E.

13. Chabot College Liaison Director
The Chabot College Liaison shall be responsible for maintaining a close relationship of C.A.R.E. with the College. The Liaison will report any developments and activities on the campus that may be of interest to members by both reports to each Board meeting and by articles written for the Newsletter. The Liaison may represent C.A.R.E. at College Activities such as retiree recognition ceremonies. When appropriate the College Liaison may ask for he assistance and participation of other officers and Directors of the Board.

14. Las Positas College Liaison Director
The Las Positas College Liaison shall be responsible for maintaining a close relationship of C.A.R.E. with the College. The Liaison will report any developments and activities on the campus that may be of interest to members by both reports to each Board meeting and by articles written for the Newsletter. The Liaison may represent C.A.R.E. at College Activities such as retiree recognition ceremonies. When appropriate the College Liaison may ask for the assistance and participation of other officers and Directors of the Board.

15. The Communications Director
The Communications Director shall establish and maintain CARE's electronic communications with its membership, including website, e-mail systems, social networking, or other such systems as may be appropriate. The Communications Director shall manage and operate these systems, prepare related budget requests, and report on their operation to the CARE board.

16. Director at Large
The Director at Large shall participate in all Board meetings and be available to assist other Board members.  A Director at Large may be given special assignments by the President.

17. Working Board
All directors are expected to participate actively and consistently in board meetings and in the business affairs of CARE. This is a "working board".

June 1984

October 1992
October 1997
November 1999
January 2006
June 2010
July 2011


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