Chabot-Las Positas Association of
Retired Employees
Board Meeting
December 17, 2010
Helen Bridge’s Home
1. Members present: Dick Albert, Clyde Allen, Linda Barde,
Helen Bridge, Lettie Camp, Gay Conner, Esther Goldberg, Norma Kernes,
Don Nilson, JoAnne Neu, Sophie Rheinheimer, Chet Rhoan, Bill
Threlfall, Sharon Trethan
ABSENT: Heidi Spearer, Isabel Polvorosa, Emeritus Directors,
Art Larson and John McKinley
2. Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by President
at 11:05 AM.
3. Approval of minutes: The minutes of September 24, 2010
were approved. 4. REPORTS:
A. NEWSLETTER: Bill shared cost
concerns of printing/mailing a newsletter 3 times a year. The
District has been very generous in their support of this function.
Karen Silva suggested the District could invoice CARE for the cost
of about $500 per newsletter. A discussion took place regarding,
cost, how many newsletters where desired, how to encourage more
people to request on-line newsletter and the current CARE board
budget. A motion was made and
approved: Two newsletters will be printed in 2011-2012 (Spring/Fall)
with CARE paying printing and mailing costs. Additional
time-sensitive information will be sent by email.
Heidi has resigned as Newsletter
Editor, and Bill agreed to step in to fill the Editor position, if
Board members would commit to provide newsletter contributions.
The Board members agreed to assist in this project. A timeline
for article submission will be set by Bill.
B: TREASURER: Sharon shared a copy of the treasurer’s report.
2011 dues are coming in, along with payment for the reunion.
However, expenses in January will be for the reunion.
C. WEBMASTER: Bill shared a copy of his report that indicated the
visitors to the site, and their usage. We encourage all members to
request the “green” option to receive the newsletters and to be
aware that time sensitive information will be sent through your
directory email.
D. CARE FUND: Clyde stated that with investments, etc. the 2009 and
2010 balance did not vary much. It was recommended that the
spring newsletter contain a CARE FUND appeal and donation form and
the Fall newsletter contain the dues form.
E. ACTIVITIES: Gay shared information that plans were underway for
the January 22, 2011 reunion. While there will be no entertainment,
we will continue to enjoy the slides that Don Nilson has prepared
for us. Linda is arranging the technology for the event. Each Board
member has been asked to bring a gift for the raffle and it was
agreed that our invited guests would be: Chancellor, both College
Presidents and Karen Silva. Helen will issue the invitations.
Don stated he had 100 more
pictures. The members asked him to add them to last year’s CD as
everyone loved to see the pictures and it got members talking!
F. CHABOT LIAISON: Norma shared the Hot Sheet and addressed retiree
parking permits.
G. DISTRICT LIAISON: Sharon and other CARE Board and College staff
attended several memorial services in the past month. It is her hope
that communication between the District and the CARE District
Liaison would be more effective in sharing information about
H. LAS POSITAS LIAISON: Sophie shared the overall budget concerns
impacting our Colleges. The Presidential search committee had been
formed and hopefully a new president will be in place in March 2011.
I. DIRECTORS AT LARGE: Chet stated that once again, we need to keep
an eye on our medical benefits and any discussions taking place at
the District. He also recommended that current legislation effecting
faculty retirees might be addressed in the newsletter or even a
timely email, and he expressed interest in writing a piece on this
Board members will remain the same, except for the following
President: Linda Barde
Secretary: JoAnne Neu
Newsletter Editor: Bill Threlfall
Lettie Camp has resigned from the Board.
5. Other discussion items: CARE
Special Grants Program The Ad-hoc
committee of the CARE Board offered the following recommendations:
1. That the grants program be
implemented, replacing the previous method of disbursing CARE Funds;
2. That it be implemented for the 2011-2012 academic year, with
planning and preparation in Spring 2011;
3. That the total grant awards not exceed $1,500 per year for the
first two years of operation;
4. That $1,000 shall be a minimum amount needed to operate the
In years when less than the minimum is available, the grants program
will not operate and funds will be carried over to a subsequent year
in which the minimum is met;
5. That the board appoint a committee to implement the program and
administer it in its first two years;
6. That the Board evaluate the program and its outcomes in Spring of
7. That applicants may come from the district office, as well as the
colleges; (Everybody serves the colleges, regardless of work site.)
8. That any category of employee may apply: faculty, classified,
administration, full-time, or part-time, so long as the applicant's
manager or supervisor approves;
9. That there will be no allocation of funds by size of
college/district office. We simply will make one or more awards in
rank order of merit until the allocated money runs out;
10. That applications will be judged by this standard: How will the
project improve service to the colleges in your area of work
11. That the program be implemented in such fashion that it
increases the visibility of CARE throughout the colleges and
district office.
The board approved these
recommendations and appointed Sophie to chair the implementation
committee with Bill Threfall, Clyde Allen, and Isabel Polvorosa as
6. Next Meeting
– Saturday, January 22, 2011, 11AM, at
the San Ramon Country Club reunion annual meeting.
7. Adjournment: The meeting was
adjourned at 1:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Lettie Camp