Chabot-Las Positas Association of
Retired Employees
Board Meeting/Lunch
December 10, 2009 – 10:30 am
Esther Goldberg's Home
Members Present: Clyde Allen, Helen Bridge, Lettie Camp, Gay
Connor, Esther Goldberg, Don Nilson, Chet Rhoan, Heidi Spearer,
George Anna Tow, Sharon Trethan, Bill Threlfall.
Absent: Norma Kernes, Art Larson, Richard Albert, John
Newsletter Report: Items for the Spring newsletter need to be
sent to Heidi by Jan 31. Bill was asked to do his autobiography for
this letter. Heidi will also contact Colin Pejman, a retiree from
Chabot’s graphic department, who has volunteered some help.
Treasurer’s Report: Sharon passed out the report reflecting
CARE's operating balance as of November 30, 2009. While all retirees
are members of CARE, all members are encouraged to pay the $10
yearly dues which support the needs of the membership.
Care Fund Report: No updates from Clyde at this time
Activities Report/Reunion: The reunion is Jan 23, 2010 and
the cost is $22 per person.
Since 55 people are retiring from
the District, the names of those attending the lunch will be read,
and a list of all retirees will be placed on each table.
Changes to the Constitution will
need to be ratified at this meeting. Copies of the changes will be
on each table and a verbal explanation will be made to the members.
Don and Gay gathered great pictures
for the slide show presentation to be shared at the reunion.
Raffle tickets – all board members
will bring an unwrapped item for the raffle.
Health Liaison: George Anna
presented a health related issue, which was discussed by the members,
with no action taken.
Chabot Liaison: Norma was absent; however Helen stated that CARE
was well represented at Chabot's special retirees reception. She thanked
Heidi and Gay for being there.
Las Positas Liaison: No report
Communication/webmaster report: Bill passed out information on
webpage activity.
Due to the increase in retirees,
Bill requested that the Board approve approximately $10 monthly to
upgrade our program to include more members on our email directory.
So approved.
Bill related some mass e-mailing
issues and looks to the future when the newsletter/communication
will be easier and incorporate more graphics.
The membership can request the
newsletter via email which will save on printing and mailing cost.
Retirement Issues: none
Past President: none
Director at Large: none
Selection of Officers 2010: Changes are: Helen Bridge Interim
President, Esther Goldberg, Past President, Open position for Health
Liaison which could be a Director at Large. There was discussion of a
Director at Large for recruitment/outreach. The Board felt there was a
need for this with so many new retirees this year. Since there are
Director at Large positions in the Constitution, no changes are needed.
Meeting adjourned at 12:30, after a big thanks was given to
Esther for taking on the role of President in a year with so many
Respectfully submitted, Lettie Camp, Secretary