Chabot-Las Positas Association of
Retired Employees
Board Meeting
January 24, 2009
San Ramon Country Club
Board members present: Art Larson, Heidi Spearer, Norma Kernes,
Maxine Calleri, Clyde Allen, Gay Conner, John McKinley, Bill
Threlfall, Sharon Trethan, Don Nilson, George Anna Tow, Esther
Goldberg, and Helen Bridge.
Also present: Approximately sixty five retirees, including three new
CARE members from the class of 2008.
President Helen Bridge began the annual meeting by introducing
special guests Dr. Celia Barbarena, Dr. DeRionne Pollard, Karen
Silva, and Larry Schaffer. The two college presidents made brief
remarks, and President Bridge read a message from Dr. Joel Kinnamon,
who was unable to attend.
Past President Art Larson introduced the three new CARE members who
were in attendance.
President Bridge introduced Larry Schaffer, CEO of the Chabot/LPC
Federal Credit Union, and Board member Les Bridge, who then
publicized the upcoming annual credit union dinner on Feb. 21st, and
also announced the prize drawing to be held later at today’s
President Bridge called the board’s business meeting to order. She
then introduced Bill Threlfall, who made a presentation about the
origin and specifications of the annual Buffington Award, following
which he read the names of all previous Buffington winners, and
introduced those winners who were present.
John McKinley introduced present board members. President Bridge
gave special recognition and a small gift to retiring board members
Gene Houck, Maxine Calleri, and Bob Wood. John McKinley made a few
special comments about Glenys Wilson and her numerous contributions
to CARE over the years. Helen Bridge was recognized for her
exemplary leadership during several terms as President.
Dr. McKinley asked for nominations from the floor for next year’s
board. Three nominations were made, and all were elected, along with
continuing board members. Esther Goldberg was elected as the new
president of CARE. New board members are: Dick Albert, Lettie Camp,
and Chet Rhoan. After final remarks by outgoing president Bridge and
incoming president Goldberg, Gay Conner introduced the Chabot Jazz
Band members, who performed while attendees had a delicious lunch.
Following lunch, Clyde Allen conducted the prize drawing, with about
fifteen prizes being won by lucky retirees. All prizes were
contributed by CARE Board members and by the Chabot credit union,
which provided six outstanding gifts.
Meeting adjourned at 1:45. Next meeting: March 26, 2009, at the San
Ramon Golf Club.
Respectfully submitted,
Helen Bridge
