Chabot-Las Positas Association of
Retired Employees
Board Meeting
January 23, 2010
San Ramon Country Club
Board members present: Richard Albert, Clyde Allen, Helen
Bridge, Lettie Camp, Gay Connor, Esther Goldberg, Norma Kernes, Art
Larson Don Nilson, Chet Rhoan, Heidi Spearer, George Anna Tow,
Sharon Trethan, and Bill Threlfall.
Also present: Approximately 88 retirees, including 17 new
CARE members from the class of 2010..
President Esther Goldberg began the annual meeting by introducing
special guests, Chancellor, Dr. Joel Kinnamon, Dr. Celia Barbarena,
and Larry Schaffer.
Short speeches were given by Dr. Kinnamon, Larry Schaffer, CEO of
the Chabot/LPC Federal Credit Union and Heidi Finberg from the
Chabot Foundation. Helen introduced the new retirees that were
present and they were welcomed by the membership.
President Goldberg called the Board’s business meeting to order. She
then introduced Art Larson, who had proposed changes to the Bylaws
and Constitution. After Art’s explanation, the vote to revise the
Bylaws and Constitution was adopted.
Chet Rhoan introduced the present board members and thanked them for
their work this past year.
The retirement of George Anna Tow was accepted, and the remaining
existing slate of Board members was retained; however, Heidi is
looking for someone to fill her responsibilities of the newsletter.
A call for nominations from the floor was requested to fill 3 open
positions. Linda Barde, Sophie Rheinheimer, and Isabel Polvorosa
were added to the Board. After this vote, JoAnne Neu approached
Interim President Bridge stating she had interest on returning to
the Board.
The membership then enjoyed lunch while being treated to a wonderful
walk down memory lane with a slide show of college photos gathered
by Don Nilson.
After lunch, Clyde Allen conducted the raffle drawing for over 30
prizes. All prized were contributed by CARE Board members and by the
Chabot Credit Union.
Meeting adjourned at 1:30.
The next CARE Board meeting was scheduled for March 11, 11 AM at the San
Ramon Golf Club.
Respectfully submitted,
Lettie Camp
