Chabot-Las Positas Association of
Retired Employees
Board Meeting
January 22, 2011
San Ramon Country Club
Board members present: Richard Albert, Clyde Allen, Linda
Barde, Helen Bridge, Esther Goldberg, Norma Kernes, John McKinley,
Don Nilson, Isabel Polvoros, Sophie Rheinheimer, Chet Rhoan, Sharon
Trethan and Bill Threfall.
Also present: Approximately 70 retirees
President Helen Bridge began the annual meeting by introducing
special guests: Chancellor Dr. Joel Kinnamon, retired District Board
members Gary Craig and Fred Duman, and Larry Schaffer from the
Credit Union. A special welcome was given by the group to John
Short speeches were given by Dr. Kinnamon and Larry Schaffer, and
Esther Goldberg read the names of the four retirees from last year.
Bill Threfall gave an update on the website and newsletter. While
the newsletter will be in print two times a year, June/Dec, the goal
is to go green. Retirees can find their friends by using the
Directory and were encouraged to share their college experiences
through the History Page.
Clyde Allen reported the economy kept the CARE Funds at the same
level as in the past. Due to the financial stress to our District
the CARE Board plans to begin a special grants program that will
assist an employee of the District to provide quality service in
their area of responsibility. Board members are currently working
out guidelines that will be available to the District employees in
Fall 2011.
Chet Rhoan presented the proposed changes to the Constitution and
Bylaws and these were ratified by a vote of the members present.
Chet introduced current board members. A call for nominations for
new Board members was made.
Linda Barde, President and JoAnne Neu, Secretary were voted in as
new Board officers. Rachel Maldonado Aziminia and Bob Wisemen joined
the Board as Directors at Large.
At 12:10, the meeting was adjoined for lunch, and retirees enjoyed
the slide show of District photos by Don Nilson, and raffle
The next CARE Board meeting will be scheduled by Linda Barde.
Respectfully submitted,
Lettie Camp
