You are invited to join the CARE member E-mail directory
so that you will be able to be
contacted by other CARE members.
How it works Participating members are assigned a CARE E-mail address
which is listed in the Directory. E-mail reaching that CARE address is
forwarded automatically to the member's existing personal E-mail
In the example below, another retiree is seeking to
reach Joe, who is listed in the CARE Member Directory:

Joe receives the message in his personal in-box like any other mail.
If Joe choose to reply, that reply is sent from Joe's existing personal
E-mail account, just like any other E-mail he sends, and it is sent
directly back to the source:
the CARE address listed in the Directory is only used to establish the
initial contact, and is then no longer required.
How Your Privacy Is Protected
Your personal E-mail address remains private; it is never published
or revealed by CARE. Only the CARE address is published on this website,
using a spam-resistant technique.
You retain control: Once the forwarded E-mail reaches your
existing personal mailbox, you treat it like any other E-mail -
reply to it, delete it, or ignore it - it's up to you.
Participation in the directory and forwarding service is voluntary. You only join if you
wish to receive E-mail contacts from other CARE members.
Sending and Accessing E-mail
You cannot send E-mail from the CARE address. As always, you
send E-mail from your existing personal E-mail account.
You will not have direct access to CARE E-mail mailboxes. In fact,
no mail will be stored at CARE mailboxes, which will be used
exclusively for automatic forwarding to an existing personal
address. As always, E-mail will be addressed to your personal E-mail
account and you will access it there.
Join the directory>