Board Policy 7380: CARE Prompts District to Post
Updated Policy

by Bill Threlfall
July 2017
As described in the article below, on February 21, 2017, as part of
the consent calendar, the Trustees approved Item 9.2, Approval of
Revised Governing Board Policy 7380 – Human Resources: Retiree
Health Benefits.
However, in early July, CARE was surprised to find the
unrevised 2015 policy posted on the
CLPCCD Index of Active Board Policies and Administrative Procedures!
We brought this problem to the attention of District management and
the unions and requested correction. On July 19, 2017, the
District posted the revised policy approved by the Trustees.
This episode highlights CARE's vigilance on behalf of its members.
Board Policy 7380 Revised:
Retirement Medical Benefits Protected

by Bill Threlfall
February 2017
In February of 2017, Board Policy 7380 was
revised by the District Board of Trustees, correcting flaws that had
threatened long-established retirement health benefits. This action
marks the culmination of a nearly year-long effort initiated by CARE in
March of 2016 and joined by the faculty and classified unions a few
months later. Prior to this revision, the policy contained critical
defects: it provided medical retirement benefits
only for faculty and
no one else, and it required that
retirees pay the full costs of such
benefits. The revised policy includes language developed by CARE that
corrects these faults.
We are proud of this successful outcome, which we
consider a "big deal" in the interests of our members. We consider
protection of retirement benefits to be a top priority.
We are also proud of the alliance we built with the
unions. The faculty union in particular was an energetic partner whose
significant contributions were essential to success.
View the full story of how CARE's vigilance and
advocacy paid off for retirees

CARE's Approach to Advocacy Explained

by Bill Threlfall
December 2016
Is CARE a union? It
is important to emphasize that CARE is not a union and does not have
standing under California law to negotiate with the District in any
matter. Nevertheless, we are your advocate.
Are retirees "represented"?
Retirees are no longer "unit members" and are not represented by the
CLPCCD faculty or classified unions. Still, union contracts covering
current unit members may contain provisions mandating benefits to be
provided after retirement.
How does CARE engage in
Vigilance. We are
attentive observers of events that affect
our members' interests, keeping an eye on actions by the CLPCCD
Communication. We work diligently to protect members' interests,
using information sharing and communication with institutional
Partnerships. When issues involve both retirees and active employees, we may partner with the faculty and
classified unions to present a unified voice. This is the collaborative
approach we have taken in the BP7380 matter described above.

2006-2007 CARE Advocacy re: Retiree
Medical Benefits

by Bill Threlfall January 2007
January 23, 2007, after consultation with legal counsel and an actuarial
analysis of future costs, the District announced a
decision not to change
existing benefits for retirees who were hired before certain specified
dates. Read the Chancellor's letter
affirming the continuation of existing benefits. 
During the months preceding the District's decision, the CARE board took an active role in
monitoring developments and defending the current status of retiree medical benefits.
We are pleased that
CARE was able to provide information to help address retiree rights
issues in a professional manner, enlightening the District’s Board
of Trustees as to the effect their decisions have on the financial
and health care interests of retirees.
This sort of persistent and professional advocacy
is particularly important for retirees, who are officially unrepresented by collective-bargaining
The Hayward
Daily Review covered the District's 2007 decision and CARE's role in the
process. Read Chabot retirees dodge
cuts in health care: District board says cost analysis supports
guarantee of lifetime medical benefits Hayward Daily Review,
February 2, 2007.
Read the CARE President's letter of
appreciation to the CLPCCD Board
regarding the outcome of the health benefits issue.
Read the CARE President's letter to the
CLPFA President
regarding representation on the health benefits issue.
