January 29, 2007

CLPCCD Board of Trustees
5020 Franklin Drive
Pleasanton CA 94588

Board of Trustees:

As President of CARE, and as a long time devoted employee of Chabot College, I want to express my deep thanks to you all for your decision regarding retiree medical benefits. As you have done so often in the past, you have shown compassion, wisdom, and a basic sense of fairness by affirming our vested rights in regards to medical coverage. Your action is especially noteworthy at a time when we see so many organizations going in the opposite direction.

Thank you also for your careful listening as retirees spoke to you in a series of board meetings. I believe you heard and considered every word we said. I do regret that one retiree (not speaking for CARE!) lashed out at you in an inappropriate way, and I admire the dignified way you endured his tirade. For the most part, though, I was very proud of the way our retirees explained to you the impact of the proposed changes. I have talked with many, many retirees over the past few months, and the people who spoke to you at board meetings were just a small sampling of the folks who would be severely impacted by an increase in their medical costs. You responded to our concerns!

You have done the right thing, and all of us at CARE are deeply grateful.

With sincere thanks,

Helen Bridge, CARE President