Move the Previous Question: The Chabot Faculty Senate
Submitted by Chet Rhoan
Chabot College
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To move the previous question is a parliamentary maneuver to close
debate on a question before voting on the issue1. It is
the touchstone of the nature of conflict, compromise and resolution
which has been the hallmark of the Academic/Faculty Senate at Chabot
In the early spring of 1968, because of the author’s background in
Parliamentary Procedure, Ted Staniford from Chabot and Norm Bishoff
from Peralta met with this author in the Chabot College cafeteria to
discuss the proposed constitution for The Academic Senate for the
California Community Colleges and a Constitution for Chabot’s
Senate. Thus was born my long tenure as a faculty senator and my
interest in academic democracy.
This paper would not have been completed had it not been for the
fine cooperation of the Senate Presidents who responded to my many
annoying requests for information about their term in office. Many
were prompt in their response, others less so, but all who responded
stimulated my recollections of the Chabot Academic Senate. An even
bigger thank you goes to Lori Johnson, Evelyn Holmstroem, Carol
Henry, Judy Roglien and Rachael Ugale, members of the classified
staff who served as recording secretaries for the Senate. Their
accurate recording and cataloging of the Senate minutes made the
dusty job of reviewing minutes bearable.
In his History of Chabot College, Dr. Staniford used the framework
of competing factions, which he borrowed from Madison’s argument
found in Federalist 10, to frame his early history of the College. I
had the privilege of reviewing and making suggestions about Dr.
Staniford’s history before its publication. This brief history of
the Academic Senate of Chabot College will follow Dr. Stanford’s
organizing principle. I have reviewed Senate Minutes and responses
to Senate President Questionnaires as a methodology to write this
History. There are many recurring themes and conflicts which have
been woven into the fabric of Chabot‘s recent history but none more
profound than the conflict between the Senate and the bargaining
agent (whether it was the Certificated Employees Council, The Chabot
Teachers Association, or the Chabot/Los Positas Faculty
Association). Other recurring themes that will be developed include
Conflict between Chabot and Valley campuses, Shared Governance,
Curriculum Proposals, Budget Matters, Class and Program Cancellation
and Accreditation Issues. The author takes full responsibility for
the content and omissions found in this History of the Chabot
Faculty Senate.
Dr. Victoria Morrow (1980-1982) found herself immediately
embroiled in a conflict over free speech between the Associated
Students and the Administration. Acting as a mediator, the Senate
was able to resolve the issue of how ASCC selected campus speakers.
Other issues that arose included the allocation of bookstore profits
to the ASCC as well as the cost of books to students. There were
constant battles fought between The Chabot Teachers Association and
the Senate over professional matters. On such issue involved the
allocation of District Reserve monies. This harrowing experience was
typical of the factional conflicts that periodically erupt between
the Senate and the Association during this period of statewide
faculty attempts at labor organizing. Also during her tenure as
Senate President, an attempt to eliminate the mandatory five day
work week was proposed, but not acted upon until much later. Dr.
Marrow ended her year and a half tenure as Senate President to
become the Social Science Dean shortly thereafter.
Ms. Helen Bridge (1982-1985) completed Dr. Morrow's term when
Dr. Morrow became the Social Science Chair. Before she could get
settled into office Ms. Bridge and the Senate faced the impacts of
Proposition 13 and the State of California's proposed implementation
of a student fee2. In keeping with the Associated Students of the
California Community Colleges request, the Senate was asked to take
a stand on the issue. After much debate, the Senate voted to support
the students' position opposing student fees. This issue was the
thin entering wedge of the battle that would be waged repeatedly
with the State over the widening State Budget Deficit and its
implications for education.
The second conflict to broadside the Senate was Chabot President Dr.
Bill Moore's proposal to develop "Missions, Goals and Objectives."
The proposal was seen by the Administration as a means to develop a
cooperative (sic: collegial) relationship between Administration and
Senate. Faculty, and especially some division Senators, saw the
proposal as an attempt to impose Program Review (sic: eliminate
programs from the curriculum). While college "Mission, Goals and
Objectives"3 were finally formulated they did not contain language
that eliminated programs; however, an attempt to eliminate programs
at a later date was met with vigorous opposition by the Senate. The
Faculty Association attempted to draw the Senate into Contract
Negotiations by having the Senate urge the faculty to withdraw from
Accreditation. There was also a struggle between the college
president and the faculty union over a temporary reopening of the
salary part of a newly signed contract, and the necessity of sending
out layoff notices because of the union's unwillingness to reopen.
The latter issue was especially thorny. The layoff notices were felt
necessary by administration because they were expecting a large cut
in funding for the following year. The faculty union felt that the
layoff notices were unnecessary and demoralizing, so they refused to
reopen. Fifteen layoff notices were sent out, the affected faculty
members were more than slightly traumatized, and as a result,
administration/faculty relations were quite damaged for some time,
even though no layoffs actually took place.4
While there had been conflict between the Certificated Employees
Council and the Senate, serious jurisdictional conflict with the
newly elected bargaining unit, Chabot Teachers Association, and the
Senate erupted.5 President Bridge was left to negotiate with a
reluctant CTA President. After much maneuvering President Bridge was
able to bring CTA President Edwards to the Senate where President
Edwards signed a pledge of full cooperation with the Senate on all
Professional Matters, but refused to relinquish the CTA position
that all Professional Matters were subject to negotiation with the
District Board of Trustees, thus insuring that jurisdictional issues
over Professional Matters would be one of the ongoing conflicts with
which future Senate's would have to deal.
The Faculty was sufficiently pleased with President Bridge's
handling of the jurisdictional dispute with CTA and her successful
negotiation with the Administration that it elected Ms. Bridge to a
full Senate Presidency term. To complicate her second term President
Bill Moore proposed the creation of a "Comprehensive Planning
Group." Again, Moore's proposal was perceived by some faculty and
many Senators as another attempt at implementing Program Review
which was viewed as code for class cancellation. Although the
proposal did not come to fruition, several Accreditation Teams
faulted the college in their evaluation reports for not having a
"Planning Group." This was to become one of the ongoing issues
facing the Senate.
One of the major accomplishments of the Bridge Administration was
the development and implementation of the CALIFORNIA ARTICULATION
NUMBERING (CAN) system allowing Chabot students to accurately
articulate Chabot classes with those of the University of
California. Interestingly, during President Bridge's tenure the long
broken and empty Olympic sized swimming pool was repaired at a cost
of a mere $16,000 and the labor of a Friend of Chabot.
President Bridge had to endure the long, protracted conflict between
Chabot President Moore and the Board of Trustees over the college
budget. The conflict was waged in the Senate when President Moore
sought to enlist the Senate's support. Wisely, the Senate remained
neutral in the conflict. Ultimately, the conflict led to the
President Moore's ouster by the Board of Trustees; however, the
conflict hastened the creation of a College, and later District,
Budget Committee.
Ms. Carol Clough (1985-1987) was the first Senate President
to be elected from the Valley Campus. At the time of her election
she also served as Chabot Faculty Association President. This
situation was perceived as a conflict of interest and Ms. Clough was
forced to make a decision as to which hat she would wear. She chose
the Senate Presidency. This harrowing experience is typical of the
factional conflicts that periodically erupt between the Senate and
the Association. Confronted by an Accreditation Report which faulted
the two campuses on the lack of clear channels of communication,
Clough and the Senate undertook the development of a model to
resolve intercampus conflicts.6 The model worked for a time, but the
growth of the Valley Campus necessitated changes. During this period
of leadership instability, another Interim President, Dr. Edward Siminson, was brought in to handle day-to-day activities of the two
campuses until a new President was selected. Other issues plagued
Clough's term as well, including Information Technology problems
like technology training and Computer Main Frame problems. Another
thorny issue to confront the Senate was the conflict between Voc.
Ed. and Academic Divisions over College Hour. Yet another issue that
weaves its way through the history of the Senate has been Curriculum
Review, viewed by many as another way to eliminate classes and
programs. An interesting controversy developed over the role of
Management, Supervisory and Classified duties.7 Capping a tumultuous
term the Senate faced fractious conflict over a "W" policy, Academic
Counseling by Academic Faculty, Shared Governance and Budgetary
Dr. Art Deleray (1987-1989) was the second and last Senate
President from the Valley Campus. His term was characterized by
Chabot faculty criticism of his perceived Valley Campus bias. One of
the first issues to face the Deleray Senate was a proposal to
evaluate administrators.8 The proposal was met with a resounding "no"
by the administration. The ongoing conflict over class cancellation
escalated during this time,9 but the most important issue to surface
was the method for hiring Division Deans, the child care facility,
new faculty hire policy and a policy on intercampus transfers.10 Each
of these conflicts re-emerged in other forms at later times in the
Senate. Conflicts between the new President, Dr. Howard Larson, and
the Board of Trustees over budgetary items led to Larson's eventual
firing and his retreat to teaching faculty status. Exclusive of the
bias issue, the next most contentious issue facing Deleray's tenure
as President was the perennial problem of Administrative
Reorganization.11 At the state level the legislature passed AB 1725,
the Community College Reform Act. Its implementation became another
contentious issue for many of the subsequent Senates.
Ms. Susan McElroy (1989-1991) came into office with the
daunting task of attempting to implement AB 1725 which established
the principle of SHARED GOVERNANCE for the Community College System.
State-wide meetings were held to establish minimum qualifications
for teachers in academic disciplines Chabot sent a strong delegation
to establish minimum qualifications for the disciplines of history,
political science and nursing), discipline equivalencies and the
establishment of an academic disciplines list.12 During Dr. Richard
Yeo's tenure as interim president, under the prodding of shared
governance and accreditation, a college budget committee was
established. Composed of Dr. Yeo, Dr. Vic Willits, Gil Ribera and
Chet Rhoan the committee found a large budgetary surplus and enabled
the largest salary increase, up to that point in college history,
for faculty and administration.13 Health insurance for retirees, known
as the RUMBL fund became a problem the Board of Trustees (BOT) chose
to address. However, the real hot topic was the hiring of a new
college President. Hiring Committee faculty members found they were
in conflict with the BOT over the standards for the new hire.
Eventually, Terry Dicianna was selected. The Board of Trustees
charged President Dicianna with the task of creating a two college
Mr. Bill Scroggins (1991-1993). With the creation of a two
college district President Dicianna became Chancellor creating a
Presidential vacancy at Chabot. Scroggins' tenure was dominated by
the conflict between the Senate and the Chancellor's Council over
Shared Governance issues. During this presidential term the Senate
developed major policy statements over Contract Education and
Faculty Evaluation.14 Again, budgetary limitations impeded college
growth. Eventually, a new President for the college was selected.
Scroggins gave up his Presidency to serve as in a statewide Academic
Senate position.
Ms. Linda Barde (1994-1996) Ms. Barde completed Scroggins
term and was elected to a two year term. After taking office Ms.
Barde was faced with the BOT's decision to create a two college
district when it made Dicianna the first District Chancellor,
Dicianna's refusal to develop Shared Governance Committees led to a
faculty demand for a "Vote of No Confidence" in Chancellor
Dicianna's refusal to create Budget Committee and Planning
Committees.15 The immediate effect of this action was to cause the BOT
to direct Dicianna to develop a District Budget Allocation Model as
Board of Trustees policy and to establish Faculty Service Areas
(FSA's) as required by AB 1725. As a result of this contentious
period in Faculty v Administration relations, Chancellor Dicianna
requested a release from his contract. During this same period, the
Board selected Dr. Raul Cardoza to become the new President of
Chabot. His tenure was not long lived, however, as his inability to
handle budget matters led to an alleged $1 million deficit, while
his inability to resolve the deficit and to master the intricacies
of the budget process led to a Senate vote of "no confidence" in his
administration and his eventual removal from the Presidency of the
Other issues to face the Barde administration included the ever
present issue of program review, tenured faculty review and
administrative review. It was during this period the Board of
Trustees selected Mr. Ron Kong to replace Dicianna as the next
Chancellor. Chancellor Kong's legacy included an expensive District
Office and a salary that exceeded that of the Governor of the State
of California.17 It was also during this period that the college moved
toward a strong sense of shared governance with the creation of the
Classified and Student Senates. As a result of these measures the
faculty gained a limited degree of power over the decision making
Mr. Dale Wagoner (1997-2001) Perhaps as a result of the
Faculty v Administration conflict of the past few years, Mr. Wagoner
found himself faced with Chancellor Kong's purge of all of the top
administrators from Division Deans to Vice Presidents.18 The Senate,
through shared Governance, demanded, and received the right to
appoint faculty to the various hiring committees; however many of
those who became administrators were not always those who received
the highest rating. In fact, many new administrators came from
outside the campus leading to a sense of faculty lack of power and
even greater tensions between the Senate and the Kong
Administration. During Wagoner's tenure the BOT also appointed Dr.
Terry Burgess President of Chabot College. Although popular with
some of the faculty, Burgess's regular absence from campus to be
with family in Southern California became a bone of contention with
faculty and staff. Even though the State of California allocated
Partnership for Excellence Funds to the college, Burgess refused to
distribute them, so the Senate took up the issue and was successful
in forcing Burges to appropriately distribute these funds.19 However,
during this period the Senate was able to work with Burgess
developing "block units" of classes which allowed for Monday through
Thursday class scheduling. As the size and cost of the newly formed
district increased under Chancellor Kong's tutelage, and as a direct
result of the purge of 1998, the Senate took a "vote of no
confidence" in the Kong Chancellorship and presented it to the
Board, with little effect.
Mr. Jim Matthews (2001-2003) had the unpleasant experience of
receiving an accreditation report faulting the College and the
District for not having developed a comprehensive future plan for
the college. The Senate took up the charge and developed a College
Budget and Planning Committee, which became an ever more important
part of the Shared Governing of the college and led to the
restructuring of the whole governing process of the college.20 The
fallout from the Kong purge continued throughout Matthew's term in
office. This was manifested in the investigation of the VP of
Student Services for changing student grades with- out
authorization, her disciplining by the BOT and ultimately her
resignation. Also, during this period with the resignation of now
Dr. Burgess, the college was administered by an interim President,
Dr. Allan Kurki. The constant turnover in administrative positions
including VP's and Deans left the college adrift and without
leadership. Faculty and the Senate stepped in to fill the void.21
Mr. Chad Mark Glen (2003-2007) became one of the longest
serving Senate Presidents serving two full two year terms. Glen took
office during one of the more challenging periods in the College's
history. A new President with a Tech/Voc background, Dr. Robert
Carlson, was brought in to preside over some massive changes
including reduction in units for the Associate of Science (AS)
degree. The BOT decided the time was appropriate to seek a
construction bond to help with the further development of the Valley
College and to pay for the modernization needed at Chabot. In the
past, construction bonds had failed. However, this time voters
passed the massive (nearly $560,000,000) bond measure. Together with
some faculty and staff and a strong consulting firm Mr. Glen worked
tirelessly on the campaign committee and ultimately was rewarded
with the passage of the bond. Chancellor Kong retired from the
District and was replaced by the President of Los Positas College,
Dr. Susan Cota. The eminent closure of the print shop together with
construction planning gave the Senate a lot to deal with. As
construction grew near, the Senate found its authority over Shared
Governance being weakened by the newly revitalized College Council.22
About this same time, the Senate found itself embroiled in a long
investigation of a faculty member's grievance against President
Carlson. As the investigation dragged on, the Senate was confronted
with the reality that Program Review was being implemented. The
Senate received the newly developed "Revitalization and
Discontinuation" document in early April 2005. Its impact was not
readily apparent but within weeks, programs were put on the list to
be discontinued. One such program was the highly acclaimed
Independent Studies in Letters and Science course. Concurrent with
program reductions was the highly critical ACCJC/WASC establishment
of Student Learning Outcomes (SLO's). SLO's were perceived by
faculty as a means of measuring faculty competency. CPLFA and the
Senate criticized their use in faculty evaluations.23 The Senate also
reasserted its authority over Senate-created committees and
immediately ran into conflict with the District Curriculum Council.
Budget problems, construction cost overruns and class and program
cuts led to further accusations in the Senate that decision were
being made in secret by the Institutional Planning and Budget
Committee (IPBC).24 As the conflict heated up, the Senate was able to
extract a promise from Dr. Carlson that he would report to the
Senate on all budget matters.
Threat of encroachment by Diablo Valley College into the Chabot/Los
Positas Community College District's service area, coupled with
impending staff reductions, led to much concern on the campuses.
About this same time a jurisdictional dispute broke out between the
IPBC and the College Council over decision-making authority. The
Senate found itself in the role of arbiter.25 As staff reductions and
class cuts increased, complaints began to surface in the Senate that
an AD HOC Budget committee was meeting in secret. While there was no
evidence of secret budget cuts. the Senate coped with the
Accreditation report that showed that "students were not succeeding"
as well as they should at the college.
Ms. Diane Zuliani (2007-2008) resigned office after one year
to take a temporary teaching position at the University level.
Shortly after Ms.Zulliani took office, Mr. Joel Kinnamon replaced
Dr. Cota as District Chancellor. Ms. Zuliani began her tenure by
reading into the Senate's minutes a provocative statement on her
view of education.26 Common to previous Senates, this Senate was
confronted with construction overrun issues, program review, SLO's,
Voc. Ed. v Academic issues and the ever present struggle between the
President and the Senate over Shared Governance.27 However, the most
important battle during her tenure was the battle with two powerful
power companies over the locating of power plants close to the
college campus.28 The environmental impact would have been profound
for the learning environment at the college. As it became aware of
the impact of the power plants, the Senate took a stand in
opposition.29 Allegedly, a member of the Chabot Foundation was
employed by one of the power companies, and President Carlson was
aware of the conflict of interest, leading to another Faculty v
Administration conflict.30 Shortly thereafter, President Carlson
retired to be replaced by Dr. Celia Barberena. Senate relations with
CLPFA flared over the issue of Sabbatical leave funding and Faculty
Hiring Policy. Camouflaged as Enrollment Management Policy, class
cancellations continued, followed by a barrage of emails and a call
for civility by members of the Senate. SLO's and Accreditation
issues continued to be serious topics of discussion.
Mr. Ming Ho (2008-2009) inherited the same issues that
plagued President Zuliani's term. Faculty Hiring Policy,
reestablishment of the District Budget Study Group together with its
attendant Budget Allocation Model for the two colleges and the
district Office, College Council composition and most importantly, a
better understanding of which Administrative, BOT or Senate policies
applied to what portion of Share Governance.31 Such confusion over
what had previously been agreed to lead one Senator to call for an
archivist for institutional history retention and retrieval. The
Senate found that it's most pressing issue, however, was
Accreditation, and the perceived threat that ACCJC had recently
sanctioned so many California Community Colleges for problems with
Budget and Planning, Inter-District Communication, and District
Services to the Colleges, and might sanction Chabot. Chabot's Self
study indicated that these were difficulties that were being
addressed, but not yet resolved.32 As President Ho's term drew to an
end, the call went out to elect a new Senate President. President Absher was elected and took office
in the fall of 2009. The history
of his presidency and those of subsequent Senate Presidents and
their Senates remains to be told by another history.
The history of the Academic/Faculty Senate of Chabot College and its
presidents is a history replete with challenges, mistakes,
replications and opportunities. As shared Governance became the
dominant theme, the Senate faced ever more complex issues which
developed. Fundamental to this complexity was the proper role of the
Senate in Budget and Planning and its oversight function of the
committees it authorized to make decisions in these areas.
Administrative personalities and Senate relations, at times, created
conflicts that led to calls for the removal of the administrator,
with mixed results. Calls for civility between fellow Senators,
Senators and Administrators, and faculty with other faculty were an
all too common theme, but may be reflective of current events going
on within our nation. As a final thought, and a critical evaluation,
clearly one thing stands out: the many times the Senate recreated
the wheel. As the noted historian George Santayana observed, "Those
who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
1 Sturgis, A. Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, second ed. New York, N.Y., 1960, p. 67.
2 Bridge, H. Senate Presidency, Email document,
March 11, 2009.
3 Chabot, Academic Senate Minutes, December 2,
4 Bridge, Ibid.
5 Chabot, Ibid.
6 Chabot, Academic Senate Minutes, October 10,
7 Chabot, Academic Senate Minutes, September 25,
8 Chabot, Academic Senate Minutes, October 12,
9 Chabot, Academic Senate Minutes, September 24
and October 22, 1987.
10 Chabot, Academic Senate Minutes, October 22,
11 Chabot, Academic Senate Minutes, November 12,
12 Chabot, Academic Senate Minutes, September 21,
October 19 November 30, 1989 and January 25, 1990.
13 Chabot, Academic Senate Minutes, November 10,
14 Chabot, Academic Senate Minutes, September 24,
15 Barde, L. History Project, Email document,
June16, 2010.
16 Ibid.
17 Ibid.
18 Wagoner, D. Senate Information, Email document,
October 26, 2009.
19 Ibid.
20 Jim Matthews, Faculty Senate History Project,
Email document, December 15, 2009
21 Ibid.
22 Chabot, Academic Senate Minutes, January 27,
23 Chabot, Academic Senate Minutes, August 25,
24 Chabot, Academic Senate Minutes, September 8,
2005 and September 22, 2005.
25 Chabot, Academic Senate Minutes, January 16,
26 Chabot, Academic Senate Minutes, August 21,
27 Chabot, Academic Senate Minutes, September 13
and September 27, 2007.
28 Diane Zuliani, Faculty Senate History Project,
Email document. November 19, 2009.
29 Chabot, Academic Senate Minutes, February 28,
30 Chabot, Academic Senate Minutes, February 28,
31 Chabot, Academic Senate Minutes, October 30 and
November 13, 2009.
32 Ho, M. Faculty Senate, Email document, November
20 2009.
Sources Cited
"Academic/ Faculty Minutes." Chabot College Official Website
Archived Agendas and Minutes.
Barde, Linda. History Project. Email document. June 16, 2009.
Bridge, Helen. Senate Presidency. Email document. March 11,
Ho, Ming. Faculty Senate. Email document. November 9, 2009.
Matthews, Jim. Faculty Senate History Project. Email
document. December 15, 2009.
Wagoner, Dale. Senate Information. Email document. December
26, 2009.
Zuliani, Diane. Faculty Senate History Project. Email
document. November 19, 2009.
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